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- Grant Scheme for Open-ended Fund Companies and Real Estate Investment Trusts
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- List of Eligible Collective Investment Schemes under the New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (New CIES)
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Takeovers and mergers
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- Takeovers Bulletin
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- Unlisted shares, debentures
- Circulars
- Consultations and conclusions
- FAQs
Takeovers and mergers
- Dealing disclosures
- Decisions and statements
- Disciplinary proceedings
- Documents on display
- Exempt status
- Offer periods
- Practice notes
- Performance Pledges
- Post-vet list
- Secondary listed companies
- Takeovers Panel and related committees
- Transaction announcements and documents
- Takeovers Bulletin
- Forms
- Consultations and Conclusions
- Post-vet list
Post-vet list
The post-vet list sets out documents which need not be submitted to the Takeovers Executive for prior comment under Rule 12.1 of the Takeovers Code. It is updated from time to time and currently includes:
- announcements of the appointment of independent financial advisers under Rule 2.1,
- announcements of the despatch of circulars under Rule 8 or Rule 25,
- announcements of delay in the despatch of circulars under Rule 8.2 or Rule 8.4,
- announcements of the appointment and resignation of directors of the offeree company under Rule 26.4 and Rule 7,
- announcements of placing and top-up transactions under Note 6 on dispensations from Rule 26,
- announcements of numbers of relevant securities in issue under Rule 3.8, and
- announcements of final completion of issue of new securities for whitewash transactions under paragraph 6 of Schedule VI.
Issuers are reminded that all documents issued under the Codes must include a responsibility statement as required by Rule 9.3 of the Takeovers Code.
For further guidance, please refer to Practice Note 5.
Last update: 16 Jan 2020