Our work regarding listings and takeovers seeks to:
- safeguard the interest of investors, and
- promote changes to laws and regulations which encourage market development / provide for the fairness, efficiency, competitiveness, transparency and orderliness of the securities and futures market.
Regulations of listed companies via SEHK
As the frontline regulator of listed companies, the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd (SEHK) is vested with the statutory duty to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, that the Hong Kong markets are fair, orderly and informed. As the statutory regulator of both the securities and futures markets, we, among others, supervise and monitor SEHK’s performance of its listing-related functions and responsibilities.
Senior executives of the SFC and SEHK meet regularly to discuss listing-related matters. In addition, the SFC conducts a periodic audit of SEHK’s performance in its regulation of listing-related matters and publishes an annual review of its assessment and recommendations.
Any changes to the Listing Rules or introduction/implementation of new rules are subject to the SFC’s approval.
The respective roles of the SFC and SEHK on listing matters are set out in the memorandum of understanding governing listing matters. Further to that, the also helps the market understand the roles of and interface between the regulators.
For more information, you may visit the official site of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd (HKEX), the holding company of SEHK. Relevant sections include:
News of listed companies
HKEXnews (), hosted by the HKEX, is the official website for the dissemination of issuer information. It covers three main types of information:
- listed company information – latest announcements, prospectuses, etc.
- shareholding disclosures – disclosure of interests, Central Clearing And Settlement System (CCASS) shareholding search
- issuer-related Information – prolonged suspension status report, share repurchases reports
Regulation of takeovers and privatisations of public companies
In administering the Codes on Takeovers and Mergers and Share Buy-backs, we help afford fair treatment of investors in takeovers, mergers, privatisations and share buy-backs of public companies by:
- requiring equal treatment of shareholders,
- mandating disclosure of timely and adequate information, and
- ensuring that there is a fair and informed market.
Disclaimer: How content is arranged in HKEXnews website is solely the remit of HKEX. The SFC has no control over and takes no responsibility for the availability and searchability of such information.
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Last update: 22 Jul 2019